Maisonette Living

Hello! Long time no type. 
It seems a  lot has happened in such a short space of time since my last post. But that is a long story and perhaps one for another post once I feel more brave to talk about my own mental health struggles online more.

Today I want to type about living on your own in your own flat/house/space etc. Rented or not, you have to add your own personal touches to it to make it feel like yours.
The usual struggles you get when renting is that you aren't allowed to make any drastic changes. 
So instead of putting things on walls, I would lean them against them, especially on the mantle piece that I had above the brick hole/could have been fire place. 

I took lots of pictures on my camera that I would like to share a few of on here, as a memory for myself but also hopefully as inspiration for anyone soon to be moving in somewhere themselves. 
Me and Rob are actually moving in together tomorrow into a house so we have more room to fill with vintage furniture when we can afford it! Eeep it's all go at the minute. If you know me well you know that I am a very 'all or nothing' type person!

My desk space that I rarely used as I was always too busy designing at work, I loved working for Clintons but the stress of living away from family and the bills all on my own got too much. I also got quite lonely. So I decided to take the plunge for my mental health and leave Clintons, move back to Hull and set up my own business - @dollypepperstudio (watch this space!). 

The thing that made me fall in love with the flat was the bare brick features. I loved playing around with what I could display in the 'cubby hole'. Rob made me some boxes to put my magazines and books in, which came in so handy. Can't wait to unpack them all this weekend and rearrange around the house!

I will always have stacks of books as I adore reading. It is something I haven't been able to concentrate on the past month or so due to health reasons, but I hope that with or without the right meds my concentration will come back! 

My lovely living room. We saved costs on the sofas by my mum donating them for us, and by using throws and cushions you can update them and personalise them however you like.
Although a new (vintage) sofa is on our priority list for the new place!

I hope this post has inspired you for decorating your flat with vintage/charity shop things or even prints by artists you have collected along the way. That is all we do. I don't think of it as immediately needing all the furniture, if you do it organically as and when you find things, it means you have things you are more likely to keep for longer and love more! 

Have a lovely day.


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