Edith's 1st Birthday

Well! What a year it has been. 
Edith has shown me the meaning of patience, to be grateful for the smallest of things, and that I don't have a very good telling off mum voice 😂
Her first birthday was truly lovely with some of our closest people there, and the cake/cupcakes were absolutely AMAZING! 
We had lots of fun (read : arguments) blowing up the decorations for it and getting prepared haha. 
But I did get super anxious and panicky. Perhaps it was a loud environment but not only that, it was a year anniversary since she was born early. 
As much as we are super lucky she was only in nicu for 13 days, it was still 13 days that I will never ever forget, and the last few were quite traumatic in the environment that we were in. 

But besides this, it was great. Edith got some lovely presents, cards and money. 
I wonder what the next year has in stall for us all 😊❤️ 


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